Hierarchy vs Non-Hierarchy

Currently Plum has two types of accounts,

  1. Non - Hierarchy based.

  2. Hierarchy based.

Non-Hierarchy based:


Admin 1

Admin 2

Admin 3

Admin 4

Admin 5

Budget - Xoxo Points/Code

Own budget can be used only for Xoxocode and Xoxo Points

Own budget can be used only for Xoxocode and Xoxo Points

Own budget can be used only for Xoxocode and Xoxo Points

Own budget can be used only for Xoxocode and Xoxo Points

Own budget can be used only for Xoxocode and Xoxo Points

Budget - Plum Pro

Own budget can be used only for Brand Voucher procurement

Own budget can be used only for Brand Voucher procurement

Own budget can be used only for Brand Voucher procurement

Own budget can be used only for Brand Voucher procurement

Own budget can be used only for Brand Voucher procurement

Budget Transfer

One admin can transfer his entire budget to another admin


Xoxo Point, Code, Plum Pro

Xoxo Point, Code, Plum Pro

Xoxo Point, Code, Plum Pro

Xoxo Point, Code, Plum Pro

Xoxo Point, Code, Plum Pro


An admin can view only his reports


Each Admin can recharge his own wallet

Base Currency

The same base currency for all accounts


Super Admin






Reports for SA

All super admins can view reports of the entire company


Admin 1

Admin 4

Admin 7

Admin 10

Admin 13

Admin 2

Admin 5

Admin 8

Admin 11

Admin 14

Admin 3

Admin 6

Admin 9

Admin 12

Admin 15

Reports for Admin

Admin will be able to see only his own rewarding report

Budget - Xoxo Points/Code/Plum Pro/XoxoLink

Company Budget (common budget)

Set Threshold



Xoxo Point, Code, Link, Plum Pro

Xoxo Point, Code, Link, Plum Pro

Xoxo Point, Code, Link, Plum Pro

Xoxo Point, Code, Link, Plum Pro

Xoxo Point, Code, Link, Plum Pro


Only super admin can recharge

Multiple Super Admin

Multiple Admins

Common Company Wallet

Budget for each Admin

Non-Hierarchy Account (non-multi admin)





Hierarchy Account (multi-admin)





Non-Hierarchy account

Use cases of Non-Hierarchy account

  1. Perfect for an organization that wants multiple budget owners, where each budget owner has his/her own budget to reward employees. In this case, the budget owner doesn't want his budget to be consumed by a different budget owner.

  2. If an organization has 2 HRs, where one HR is responsible for employee rewarding and another HR is responsible for the LSA award, and both want to have a separate budget and rewarding system.

  3. Apt where the sales head and marketing heads of an organization want to have different budgets.

Features of Non-Hierarchy account

  1. Every super admin has his/her own wallet

  2. Every super admin gets to view his/her own reports.

  3. Simple to use.

Limitation of non-hierarchy account

  1. A single user doesn't have the functionality to view the entire company report.

  2. Budgets can't be distributed.

  3. Two types of fund, Xoxo Point/ Xoxo code, and Plum Pro

Hierarchy account

Use cases of Hierarchy account

  1. An organization that wants to have a single company wallet and would like to allocate threshold limit to different admins. (Threshold doesn't mean budget lock, threshold means that an admin can only spend money up to the threshold value)

  2. An organization that wants to have complete budget control and wants to allocate budget to different admins, and would like to see the usage reports for each admin.

Features of Hierarchy accounts

  1. Single fund for all types of distribution modes.

  2. Wallet funds can be used by anyone in the organization up to the threshold limit

  3. Each admin can view its own report and super admin can view the entire company report.

Limitations in the hierarchy account

  1. Budget can be utilized by anyone as the budget doesn't get locked

  2. Once a user reaches a threshold limit he can't distribute more awards till the time super admin changes the threshold value

Last updated