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Getting started

This section gives you an overview of how to start the integration process with the Rewards API

Before you start using the Rewards API, we need to register your company as a client in our system. You can skip this section if you are already registered with us.

Company Registration

To register your company as a client with Xoxoday, please follow one of the following methods :

You can signup yourself for our staging environment by clicking on the following link and filling out the required details :

DIY Signup Page

The admin dashboard can be used to perform different operations like Adding Funds, Managing Email templates, reports on vouchers history, etc. via the platform.

3-Step Integration Process






Once we have registered you as a client in our system, we will provide you a staging environment. You can test the Rewards APIs in the staging environment and make sure you get the intended output. We will provide you the credit card details through which you can add virtual money to your staging account



Once you are satisfied with staging environment output, you will move to the production environment and start testing in production and integrate the APIs with your application.



Fund your account, make the integration live, and start placing orders

Last updated