200 : Success
returns the list of all order within a specific time range
"data": {
"getOrderHistory": {
"status": 1,
"data": [
"orderId": 1316578,
"orderDate": "2019-12-27 16:41:33",
"email": "admin@pointsreport.com",
"deliveryStatus": "Pending",
"tag": "somethingToTagThisOrder",
"poNumber": "",
"products": [
"productName": "Brand Vouchers - Product Test 3456",
"receiverMobileNumber": "",
"price": 221,
"quantity": 1,
"orderProductStatus": "pending"
400 : Failure
Validation error in order history
code: 400,
errorId: "PLE10032"
errorInfo: "Failed to validate OrderHistory Request"
error:"Eg: Bad request"// More details about error
401 : Failure
Invalid authorization header
code: 401,
errorId: "PIPE10013"
errorInfo: "Plum Pro APIs: Invalid authorization header"
error:"Eg: invalid authorization header!"
404 : Failure
Order history not found
code: 404,
errorId: "PLE10027"
errorInfo: "Failed to find order history"
error: "Order History Not Found"
502 : Failure
Failed to process resend vouchers
code: 502,
errorId: "PLE10034",
errorInfo: "Failed to process resendVoucher",
error: "Invalid Order status id."
500: Failure
Internal server error
code: 500,
error: "Eg: Internal server error"