Account Verification

What is Plum account verification process?

Being in the Fintech industry, Xoxoday has to follow the government and brand’s mandate to check the type of business and the purpose for which gift cards will be used.The plum verification process at Xoxoday is to understand your business and use case and assist you appropriately.

Plum account verification process:

  • Client submits the data for account verification: To start the verification process client has to fill up the required details in the Plum Admin Panel. The steps for doing the same are described below.

  • Document Verification: Xoxoday compliance team checks the submitted details within 2 working days. In case any additional information is required, the customer success team will reach out to the client and do timely follow-ups.

  • Use Case Classification: Once all the required information has been received by the compliance team, the compliance team will determine the use case of the customer.

  • Availability of the catalog: Once the use case is determined, the catalog team will map the available products for that use case against the client. The client can start the redemption of the available products in the catalog instantly.

Use Case Classification

The compliance team classifies the use case of the customers in one of the following 3 categories

  1. Regular Business In this case the client can procure all the vouchers from the catalog, except for Amazon and Open Loop cards. To make Amazon and Open Loop cards available, clients can reach out to either their Account Executive or and they will be guided on the approval process.

  2. Resellers (B2B and B2C) In this case clients can buy all closed loop cards, except for brands which specifically prohibit resellers and Amazon and Open Loop Cards.

  3. Crypto In this case, the client can only procure closed loop cards and brands that allow Crypto use case.

Escalation Matrix:

Contact Details

Level 1

Customer Success Team

Level 2

Implementation Lead

Level 3

Customer Success Head

Step by step process to submit the verification details from the admin dashboard:

Step1: Login admin dashboard with this link

Step2: On the Home page you will see the “Click here” option to verify your account. Click on that

Step 3: Update the basic details and verify your phone number with OTP

Step 4: Scroll down and update the company details, company address, registration details, and additional details.

Step 5: Once you update all the details click on submit for verification.

Step 6: You will receive an acknowledgment mail from our customer success team within 2 hours. Post that our compliance team will verify the details and approve your business account, If we require any additional details for verification we will reach out to you via email.

Last updated

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