Recognition and Growth at the Organization
Why is Recognition and Career Growth Important?
Human beings want to be recognized for their good work and want to feel that they are holistically growing. Given that they spend almost a third of their lives working, they expect their workplaces to cater to both the needs, at least partially. According to Deloitte’s extensive research leading to the Simply Irresistible Organization Model that drives employee engagement, a culture of recognition, facilitated talent mobility, and training and support for growth are three important building blocks. Quoting Bersin, "What happens when you give people the opportunity to grow? People stay excited, the business becomes more agile and innovative, and high performers want to stay."
The absence of recognition and career growth opportunities in a workplace leads to unmotivated employees who feel under-appreciated and undervalued and hence under-perform. In fact, Josh Bersin believes that the great resignation is a great migration. Employees are migrating from “crummy jobs” to “better jobs” and from “companies that don’t seem to care” to “companies that really really care.” And for many workers, this means moving to companies with opportunities for growth, promotion, and even a new industry. Recognition and career growth are definitely key pillars that impact employee engagement and hence the eNPS.
In the Empuls Pulse Survey, in order to gain a holistic picture of the recognition and career growth factors that impact employee engagement, we dive deeper into the three first dimension drivers that impact them (building blocks as we call them).
They are: Career Growth: Does your organization provide career growth opportunities and training for your employees? What does your L&D program look like? Rewards: Do you have a good R&R strategy and program in place? Performance Appraisals:How transparent are your performance appraisal processes? Does the appraisal match the outcomes with the goals set?
Each of these first dimension engagement drivers is influenced by multiple other factors. To facilitate this, The Empuls Pulse Survey model considers second dimension engagement drivers (sub-sub-dimensional drivers) that influence each of the sub-dimensional drivers of every engagement driver.
Career Growth: Josh Bersin’s research clearly shows that organizations which invest more heavily in training, career development, and mobility outperform their peers in almost every industry. Not having enough growth opportunities is one of the primary reasons for people changing their jobs. Career Growth is an important engagement factor.
In the Empuls Pulse Survey, there are four second dimensional engagement drivers that impact the Career Growth. They are: Employees taking part in designing strategies Timely feedback from managers L&D Resources Career progression opportunities
1.1. Employees taking part in designing strategies: How involved are your employees in influencing the strategic decisions regarding their roles?
Being able to actively participate and strategically influence one’s role in an organization is essential for employees to feel empowered and also accountable. It is an important second dimension engagement driver in the Empuls survey.
1.1.1. Best Practices to improve your employee involvement in strategic decision making regarding their roles:
Plan: Co-create KRAs and KPIs Do: Make it a two-way street when it comes to deciding on the roles and responsibilities of employees. Discuss what your thoughts are, how they are aligned with the company strategy, and what are the scopes for growth. Always keep in mind that any decision around the roles should always communicate how they are aligned to your business. Some of the questions that both of you can find answer together are: – Are the scope of the role defined relevant to the business? – Are the goals defined relevant to the business? — Is the scope of the goals appropriate? – Are the goals coordinated with others’ goals? – Are the goals results-based and measurable? Time: 2-4 weeks
How to manage the above Plan and Do? The Team managers should own the initiative here They should create a plan to achieve this, and make the plan and do a part of their KRA for the quarter There should be relevant metrics to measure performance
How to communicate?
Use internal communication channels to reach out to your teams and update them about your initiatives Invite discussions on what else can be done in terms of co-creating KRAs and KPIs Discussions can be help in Empuls groups as well
Measure: Employee performance measured through OKRs is an indicator here The Manager should run a small survey and seek feedback from the employees to know how to make the initiative more effective
Act: The Managers should use the feedback to improve on the action plan.
1.2.Timely feedback from managers: Do your employees feel that they get timely feedback from their managers?
Timely feedback is a propeller of growth. However, feedback has to be given in the right form at the right time, according to Gallup. Managers cannot simply say what an employee did is right or wrong. They should go a step further to define, discuss, and help correct what went wrong. Data from Gallup shows that This makes timely feedback from manager an important second dimension driver in the Empuls Survey.
1.2.1. Best Practices to improve managers giving timely and right feedback to your employees:
Plan: Conduct weekly work discussions Do: Create a system in the organization where every manager has a 15 minute (individual) weekly discussion with their team members. Here they can seek to give feedback as well as coach their team members on how to improve. Time: 2-4 weeks
Plan: Conduct a GROW framework training for Managers to turn into Coaching Managers Do: Every quarter conduct an ongoing training session for all your managers on how they can progressively transform into excellent coaching managers. The training should provide actionable insights, role plays, and real-life examples to explain the GROW framework. Your managers should be trained to help your employees to establish a Goal, examine the current Reality, explore Options, and decide What they will do. Joseph Weintraub defines this type of coaching as “an ongoing dialogue with the goal of increasing learning and improving one’s ability to perform effectively now and in the future”. This managers should be trained to use the GROW approach that uses open-ended questioning combined with listening to lead employees to think about situations differently and to be open to new ways of acting all with the intent of bring out their best.
Time: 4 weeks to start
Plan: Create a group of Fast Feedback Evangelists Do: Giving feedback that is meaningful, future-oriented, as well as frequent and quick is an art. This kind of feedback is called Fast feedback. Identify managers, and leaders who fit the bill of fast feedback givers. This pool can be chosen not just from everyday work but also based on how they give feedback about the tech processes or the food in the cafeteria or the new policy change that your organization has announced. This group should be headed by someone from the leadership position. The aim of this group should be to evangelize the concept of giving fast feedback in the organization. They should conduct monthly meetings and also impromptu water cooler sessions to help other managers and leaders understand how they can provide fast feedback. This group should also act as a co-owner who helps managers seek out any challenges that they face in giving feedback.
Time: < 2 weeks to start
How to manage the above Plan and Do?
The HR and a Leadership team member should co-own the initiatives.
The HR should make sure that all the managers are covered under the initiative chosen while the leadership team should walk the talk and show the way by embracing and living the concept of giving timely and meaningful feedback.
The initiative should be a part of the KRA for both, HR and the Leadership team member and have metrics to measure performance.
How to communicate?
Use internal communication channels to reach out to your teams and managers to update them about your initiatives Invite discussions from employees and managers on what else can be done to provide meaningful and timely feedback
Measure: HR should run a small survey and seek 1:1 feedback after implementing any initiative.
Act: The HR and the Leadership team member should use the feedback to improve on the action plan.
1.3. L&D Resources: Are your employees satisfied with the learning opportunities available in your organization, required for their growth?
Quoting an SHRM resource: An agile learning culture is needed now more than ever—one that enables employees to demonstrate their ability to quickly adapt to new environments, new protocol and shifting market demands.
L&D resources play a vital role in creating a culture of high-impact learning in your organization and they feature as a second dimension engagement driver in the Empuls Pulse Survey.
1.3.1. Best Practices to improve the L&D resources available to your employees:
Plan: Create an L&D Committee Do: Create an L&D committee in your organization to oversee the creation of all the L&D programs and their implementation. It should comprise an HR member, Leadership team member, and members from different functions. They should set the framework for how every L&D program should function. They should also set monthly and quarterly goals to ensure that L&D is an evolving process Time: > 4 weeks to begin
Plan: Shadow a senior program Do: Once a month or quarter, allow every employee to shadow a senior member for half a day, especially on a skill or knowledge that they want to acquire. This would help the employee gain practical knowledge and experience on how the skill can be used in a work setting. It would also help them clarify their doubts easily. It also serves as a personal 1:1 coaching session, adding more value to the employee and the senior who turns into a coach. The choice of choosing a senior can be left to the employees- but have a list of suggestions handy so that your junior employee can be guided towards acquiring skills that would hold them in good stead for their progress in the organization.
Time: <2 weeks to start
Plan: Create a team-wise L&D repository Do: The L&D committee should create a framework to help every team create and publish their own L&D resources. Apart from being a team-bonding activity, every team will not only get an understanding of the skills and knowledge used by their respective teams, but will also have access to them. Time: 2-8 weeks
Plan: Allocate an L&D budget Do: Introduce an L&D budget for individuals or teams together to incentivize learning at an organizational level. This action would require a change at the policy level and come from the management depending on the organization’s finances. Time: > 4 weeks
Plan: Introduce learning sabbaticals Do: Introduce a learning sabbatical for employees who have completed a fixed tenure in your organization. This would promote a culture of learning as well as incentivize employees to take the break to hone their knowledge. This action would require a change at the policy level and come from the management depending on the organization’s finances.
Time: > 4 weeks
How to manage the above Plan and Do?
The Leadership should own this and work with HR and Team Leads -The plan and do should be a part of the leadership’s KRA. The do part for some of the initiatives should be a part of the KRA of HR and Team Leads, depending on the initiative chosen
There should be defined metrics to measure performance.
How to communicate?
Use internal communication channels to reach out to your teams and managers to update them about your initiatives Invite discussions on Empuls to understand the kind of L&D resources and training that your employees seek
Measure: The Leadership should run a small survey after implementing every initiative The initiatives where a policy change has been announced can be measured for impact based on the usage of the budget or the sabbatical.
Act: The Leadership should use the feedback to improve on the action plan.
1.4. Career progression opportunities: Are your employees satisfied with the career progression and growth opportunities available in your organization?
Access to opportunities of career growth are an important factor that influence employee retention and they feature as a second dimension engagement driver in the Empuls Pulse Survey.
1.4.1. Best Practices to improve your employees satisfaction with the career progression and growth opportunities available in your organization:
Plan: Conduct the 9 box grid exercise Do: The 9-box grid is an individual employee assessment tool that evaluates the employee's current and potential levels of contribution to the organization. Conduct this and map the employee’s potential to the company’s growth plan. Let the employees be involved in this process. Also, set targets with timelines to co-create a progression plan within your organization for your employee. Time: 4-6 weeks
Plan: Provide developmental assignments to prepare for promotions Do: Make developmental assignments a part of an employee’s KRA after they complete a stipulated time in the organization. The aim is to let the employee know that they are in the process of moving up in your organization and need to upskill themselves in certain areas. This way the employee know how they can grow and in which direction. Time: 2-4 weeks to start
Plan: Create a Match and Mentor Program Do: Every manager should sit down with their team members and understand individual employee aspirations. They should then collaborate with the HR to find a mentor within the organization who can help them grow within the organization. Mandate a minimum number of hours for weekly/monthly mentorship. Time: < 2 weeks to start
How to manage the above Plan and Do? -The Leadership and Managers should co-own the initiatives. They should work with HR whenever need be. -The plan and do should be a part of their KRA for the quarter -Metrics should be defined to measure performance.
How to communicate?
Use internal communication channels to reach out to your teams and managers to update them about your initiatives Use Empuls to talk about the various growth options and career progression opportunities that are available within your organization
Measure: The Leadership and Managers should seek 1:1 feedback after implementing any initiative.
Act: The Leadership and Managers should use the feedback to improve on the action plan.
1.5. Actionable Insights on the Pulse Survey Results
Weak: Score less than 3.
Insight: A majority of your employees are not happy with the career growth prospects in your organization.
To improve your employee involvement in strategic decision making regarding their roles:
Co-create KRAs and KPIs
To improve managers giving timely and right feedback to your employees: Conduct weekly work discussions Create a group of Fast Feedback Evangelists
To improve the L&D resources available to your employees: Shadow a senior program Create a team-wise L&D repository Create an L&D Committee
To improve your employees satisfaction with the career progression and growth opportunities available in your organization: Create a Match and Mentor Program
Overall: Focus on communicating about the actions taken
At risk: Score between 3 and 4, showing a downward trend in the last 3 pulse runs
Insight: While more than 50% of your employees are happy with the career growth prospects in your organization. To improve your employee involvement in strategic decision making regarding their roles:
Co-create KRAs and KPIs To improve managers giving timely and right feedback to your employees: Conduct a GROW framework training for Managers to turn into Coaching Managers Conduct weekly work discussions
To improve the L&D resources available to your employees: Create a team-wise L&D repository
Create an L&D Committee Allocate an L&D budget
To improve your employees satisfaction with the career progression and growth opportunities available in your organization: Provide developmental assignments to prepare for promotions
Overall: Focus on communicating about the actions taken Acceptable: Score between 3 and 4, showing no change in the last 3 pulse runs
Insight: More than 50% of your employees are happy with the career growth prospects in your organization.; however this has not improved.
To improve your employee involvement in strategic decision making regarding their roles: Co-create KRAs and KPIs
To improve managers giving timely and right feedback to your employees: Conduct a GROW framework training for Managers to turn into Coaching Managers Create Fast Feedback Evangelists
To improve the L&D resources available to your employees: Create an L&D Committee Allocate an L&D budget Introduce learning sabbaticals
To improve your employees satisfaction with the career progression and growth opportunities available in your organization: Conduct the 9 box grid exercise
Overall: Focus on communicating about the actions taken
Improving: Score between 3 and 4, showing an increasing trend Insight: More than 50% of your employees are happy with the career growth prospects in your organization. Work on converting this to a strength.
Continue doing what you are doing, and use the Good practices document to incorporate new initiatives to turn this second dimension engagement driver into a strength.
Strength: Score above 4 Insight: More than 80% of your employees are happy with the career growth prospects in your organization. This is an area of strength for your organization. Keep up the good work!
Continue doing what you are doing, document your actions and share them with us. Also use the Good practices document to incorporate new initiatives to ensure that this second dimension engagement driver remains a strength.
Reward: Quoting a Gartner research here, By making rewards supportive of and responsive to employee needs and preferences, organizations can engage talent and drive performance in an uncertain and rapidly evolving business environment. An organization’s reward strategy is a driver of employee engagement.
In the Empuls Pulse Survey, there are four second dimensional engagement drivers that impact the perception of Reward as a first dimension driver. They are: Incentives Rewards
2.1 Incentives: Do your employees feel that your incentives structure is on par or exceeds industry standards?
Incentives offered as a part of compensation are important not just to attract and retain talent, but to also keep them happy. Incentives are also means to motivate employees and achieve the goals set by the organization.
2.1.1. Best Practices to improve your employee feeling your incentives structure is on par or exceeds industry standards:
Plan: Conduct a two-level as-is audit of incentives and create a plan of action to improve it Do: Announce an incentives audit in your workplace. It should be a two-level audit. Action One: Let the HR team take ownership to create a comprehensive list of incentives offered by: companies in your industry, your competitors, the leaders in your industry, as well as leading organizations of your size and scale in other industries. ActionTwo: The HR should enable a discussion on incentives with all your employees as a department-wise workshop in tandem with initiating a discussion on Empuls. In this, the aim is to capture: What incentives do your employees want? How happy are they with the current incentives offered? Is there any structure that employees would like? Is the disbursement on the incentives satisfactory? These two actions will provide you with a comprehensive picture of how your current incentives structure is. Use the research as well as the workshops to arrive at a plan to improve the quality of incentives offered. Time: > 4 weeks
Plan: Offer a customizable incentive package Do: Incentives are used to incentivize performance. By offering a customizable incentive package, your are placing the power of choice in the hands of your employees. The outflow for your organization is not going to be any different, but by offering a bouquet of incentives to choose from, you are motivating your employees to work for something they are desirous of. Time: 2-4 weeks to start
Plan: Create or use a real-time incentive management system Do: A real-time incentives management system is one which has a real-time access to how the incentives are calculated, are they eligible to get any specific incentive, and when it get disbursed. While this system may be relevant to your teammates from sales where incentives form a large part of the salary package, it is still an important system to have as it enables complete transparency and trust. Time: 4 weeks to start
Plan: Add a team-based incentives component Do: Having a team-based incentive component fosters collaboration, boosts productivity, and motivates people to work together. It also helps people perform better. Unless an employee is a complete individual contributor, add a team-based incentive to every employee’s incentive structure. Time: 2-4 weeks to start
How to manage the above Plan and Do? -The HR should own the implementation of the initiatives. They should ideate with the leadership before implementing the initiatives. -The initiatives should be a part of HR’s KRA -There should be performance metrics to measure performance
How to communicate?
Use internal communication channels to announce the initiative being implemented Use Empuls to start discussions
Measure: HR should run a survey to understand if the initiatives have been well-received
Act: HR should use the feedback to improve on the action plan.
2.2 Rewards: Do your employees feel that your rewards structure is on par or exceeds industry standards?
Rewards and recognition are imperative to act as intrinsic and extrinsic motivators for employees. Having a rich R&R program helps in fostering and promoting a culture of recognition. It plays a large role in boosting employee morale and happiness.
2.2.1. Best Practices to improve the rewards offered in your organization:
Plan: Personalize your R&R program Do: Create a reward system where employees receive rewards that they like and are meaningful for them. You can begin by evaluating your existing rewards system, identifying the gaps in the structure, and collecting individual feedback from your employees on -what they think of your existing R&R structure
what would they like to see as a part of the rewards system Use these insights to create a personalized R&R program, one that is customized to the individual need of every employee. Time: > 4 weeks
Plan: Empower your employees to drive portions of your R&R program Do: When your employees can own a portion of the R&R program, they feel empowered. Some ways of doing this are by instituting peer-to-peer, employee-to-manager appreciation, and manager-to-employee recognition and reward programs. This way your employees have the power to applaud and appreciate their teammates or managers for their good work. Time: 2-4 weeks to start
Plan: Implement an appropriate R&R platform Do: Implementing an R&R platform that satisfies the needs of your organization would go a long way in ensuring that your R&R system is robust, has actions happening in real-time, helps your employees feel empowered, and gives you access to data and insights. In order to choose the most appropriate R&R platform for your organization, conduct an in-depth analysis of what all you want the platform to do. Some of the points to consider: it should enable easy rewarding, it should be easy to use, it should be easy to encash the reward points, and it should give you in-depth insights on how your R&R program is functioning.
How to manage the above Plan and Do? HR and Leadership should own this together. At least one HR member and one member from the Leadership should form an R&R committee that runs the R&R program end-to-end. Incorporating these initiatives should be a part of their KRA.
How to communicate?
The R&R committee should use the internal communication channels to reach out to your teams and update them about your initiatives
Measure: The R&R committee should run a small survey to seek feedback after every initiative.
Act: The R&R committee should use the feedback to improve on the action plan.
2.3. Actionable Insights on the Pulse Survey Results
Weak: Score less than 3.
Insight: A majority of your employees are not happy with the rewards system in your organization.
To improve your employee feeling your incentives structure is on par or exceeds industry standards: Creative and customizable incentives Create or use a real-time incentive management system
To improve the rewards offered in your organization: Empower your employees to drive portions of your R&R program Implement an appropriate R&R platform Overall: Focus on communicating about the actions taken
At risk: Score between 3 and 4, showing a downward trend in the last 3 pulse runs
Insight: While more than 50% of your employees are happy with the rewards system in your organization. To improve your employee feeling your incentives structure is on par or exceeds industry standards: Create or use a real-time incentive management system Create team-based incentives to boost collaboration and productivity
To improve the rewards offered in your organization: Empower your employees to drive portions of your R&R program Personalize your R&R program
Overall: Focus on communicating about the actions taken Acceptable: Score between 3 and 4, showing no change in the last 3 pulse runs
Insight: More than 50% of your employees are happy with the rewards system in your organization.; however this has not improved.
To improve your employee feeling your incentives structure is on par or exceeds industry standards:
Create or use a real-time incentive management system
To improve the rewards offered in your organization: Personalize your R&R program Implement an appropriate R&R platform
Overall: Focus on communicating about the actions taken
Improving: Score between 3 and 4, showing an increasing trend Insight: More than 50% of your employees are happy with the rewards system in your organization. Work on converting this to a strength.
Continue doing what you are doing, and use the Good practices document to incorporate new initiatives to turn this second dimension engagement driver into a strength.
Strength: Score above 4 Insight: More than 80% of your employees are happy with the rewards system in your organization. This is an area of strength for your organization. Keep up the good work!
Continue doing what you are doing, document your actions and share them with us. Also use the Good practices document to incorporate new initiatives to ensure that this second dimension engagement driver remains a strength.
Performance Appraisals: Fair performance management is a requisite for any organization to attract, hire, and retain talent.
In the Empuls Pulse Survey, there are two second dimensional engagement drivers that impact the employee perception of an organization’s performance appraisal. They are: Transparency Adherence to goals and objectives set
3.1 Transparency: How transparent is the performance appraisal process in your organization?
Transparency performance appraisal processes go a long way in keeping people happy.
3.1.1. Best Practices to increase the transparency in your performance appraisal process:
Plan: Document and publish the performance appraisal process Do: Set a performance appraisal process if you already do not have. Standardize it across your organization. Document the process including who will be doing it, how will the employees performance be gauged, how will the employee showcase the work that they have done, and how often would this appraisal be done. Publish this document so that every employee has access to it. Most importantly stick to the process, and elicit feedback to improve on it. Time: < 2 weeks
Plan: Create and measure performance against OKRs or some other reliable framework Do: Have a goal setting and outcome measuring framework such as an OKR, which will enable an employee to showcase their work, progress, and achievements in a mutually agreeable and measurable manner. Hence, create such a framework for measuring performance and conduct performance reviews based on the framework only. Time: 2-4 weeks to start
Plan: Map a total rewards strategy to KPI and Performance Appraisal Do: In case you do not have a total rewards strategy, the first step is to create one that encompasses pay, benefits, incentives. perks, and rewards; categorizing them as monetary and non-monetary. Next map the appropriate components of the total rewards strategy to key KPIs. Let every employee know right at the start of the cycle of an evaluation on what total rewards would be given for what kind of performances and outcomes achieved. Time: 4 weeks to start
How to manage the above Plan and Do? -HR, Leadership, and Managers should co-own these initiatives
HR and Leadership should ideate and arrive at the strategies while the managers should be a part of implementing the initiatives
They should be a part of their KRA for the quarter -They should have metrics to measure performance
How to communicate?
Use internal communication channels to reach out to your teams and let them know about your initiatives Invite discussions on Empuls around performance appraisals and initiatives related to them
Measure: HR should run a small survey and seek feedback after every initiative.
Act: HR should use the feedback to help Managers improve on the action plan.
3.2 Adherence to goals and objectives set: Employee perspective on how closely is the appraisal process aligned to the goals and objectives set?
A performance appraisal process which does not align with the goals set will create friction between the employee and the management.
3.2.1. Best Practices to improve the increase employee perspective on how closely is the appraisal process aligned to the goals and objectives sets:
Plan: Create a self performance appraisal process Do: Before every performance appraisal, ensure that your employees do a self-appraisal on the same parameters that their performance would be appraised by the manager.Share an easy to use template that has the same questions as the performance appraisal would have. Let your employees fill it up and submit it before the appraisal by the manager. Any situation where there is a divergence of 20% between the two appraisals, an HR or a senior manager has to step in to address the gap. Time: 2-4 weeks
Plan: Conduct a training session for Managers on the appraisal process Do: Before every performance appraisal session, ensure that your managers are trained, have their memories refreshed and abreast with the process established in your company. To enable this, have a senior leader conduct a training on the appraisal process, giving examples about the likely scenarios and situations. Also teach your managers to give constructive feedback. Time: 2-4 weeks
How to manage the above Plan and Do? The HR and Managers should co-own this The action item/s should be a part of their KRA for the quarter They should have metrics to measure performance.
How to communicate?
Use internal communication channels to reach out to your teams and update them about your initiatives
Measure: HR should run a small survey to seek feedback after every initiative.
Act: HR should use the feedback to help Managers improve on the action plan.
3.3. Actionable Insights on the Pulse Survey Results
Weak: Score less than 3.
Insight: A majority of your employees are not happy with the performance appraisals in your organization.
To increase the transparency in your performance appraisal process: Document and publish the performance appraisal process
To improve the increase employee perspective on how closely is the appraisal process aligned to the goals and objectives sets: Create a self performance appraisal process Conduct a training session for Managers on the appraisal process Overall: Focus on communicating about the actions taken
At risk: Score between 3 and 4, showing a downward trend in the last 3 pulse runs
Insight: While more than 50% of your employees are happy with the performance appraisals in your organization.
To increase the transparency in your performance appraisal process: Create and measure against OKRs or some other reliable framework of measuring To improve the increase employee perspective on how closely is the appraisal process aligned to the goals and objectives sets: Create a self performance appraisal process Conduct a training session for Managers on the appraisal process
Overall: Focus on communicating about the actions taken Acceptable: Score between 3 and 4, showing no change in the last 3 pulse runs
Insight: More than 50% of your employees are happy with the performance appraisals in your organization.; however this has not improved.
To increase the transparency in your performance appraisal process: Map a total rewards strategy to KPI and Performance Appraisal
To improve the increase employee perspective on how closely is the appraisal process aligned to the goals and objectives sets: Create a self performance appraisal process Conduct a training session for Managers on the appraisal process
Overall: Focus on communicating about the actions taken
Improving: Score between 3 and 4, showing an increasing trend Insight: More than 50% of your employees are happy with the performance appraisals in your organization. Work on converting this to a strength.
Continue doing what you are doing, and use the Good practices document to incorporate new initiatives to turn this second dimension engagement driver into a strength.
Strength: Score above 4 Insight: More than 80% of your employees are happy with the performance appraisals in your organization. This is an area of strength for your organization. Keep up the good work!
Continue doing what you are doing, document your actions and share them with us. Also use the Good practices document to incorporate new initiatives to ensure that this second dimension engagement driver remains a strength.
References: engagement_toolkit_leaders_managers.pdf (
Last updated
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