Connect Through Groups
Manage your team communication groups on Empuls
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Manage your team communication groups on Empuls
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Empuls groups are workspaces where your team members can communicate and collaborate seamlessly. Create work-related groups or interest-based groups, as per your team's needs.
Townhall is the default group created in Empuls. All the enabled users are automatically a part of it. Super Admins are the default admins of this group. Automated posts like Birthday, Work Anniversary, and New joiners post will be posted in this group, for public recognition.
Start new conversations, attach documents, and comment on other's posts.
Make announcements and send notifications to all group members.
Share greetings and appreciation with your teammates.
Give peer-to-peer awards.
Create a Poll.
Navigate to Connect > See All. It takes you to the View All Groups page.
Click on the Create Group button, and add the relevant details in the New Group Details form.
Anyone in the organization can join the open groups. Closed groups require approval from the respective group admins.
To add members to a group, enter the Group Information page by clicking on the group name. Now follow the below steps to add members to it:
Click on ADD MEMBERS at the bottom right corner under Group Members.
Enter the email address of your teammates and click Add or add members across the organization using the filters
Notify new group members through an email as you add them.
Great! Now that you know how to create groups for collaboration, let's find out how to appreciate your teammates with value cards and spot awards.