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Empuls allows organizations to issue certificates to commemorate events like recognitions and milestones. Administrators can add certificates to awards and work anniversary gifts to issue these certificates whenever the occasion.
Administrators can attach certificates to awards during the setting up of the awards. The option of Add Certificates (See Image) allows you to configure certificates. Admins can use the predefined certificate template or create one from scratch. Follow the steps below to configure your own certificate templates.
Step 0: Design Your Template Images
This step briefs about the preparations required for creating certificate templates on Empuls. This involves the guidelines the designers need to follow while creating certificate template images.
Image should be of A4 dimension in landscape format (1240x1754 px) for best results.
Empuls supports 6 different layouts which the designer can choose from. Dimensions for all 6 layouts are available in this link https://www.figma.com/proto/Xt8IZSJAqREiLUUGa16fms/Certificate-Allignments?node-id=2%3A3321&scaling=contain&page-id=2%3A2
Empuls auto-populates the award receiver name and date of reward on run time thus those field placements should be kept blank in the certificate image. (See Image below)
The certificate image may have the award name, pretext, Body Text, and signatory hardcoded to it. Alternatively, Empuls provides admins the option to define the content during the setup of these templates. (See images below)
Reach out to support@empuls.io for any queries.
Step 1: Upload Your Certificate Image
Certificates can be uploaded in 2 features i.e Awards & Work Anniversary Gifts. The option of Add Certificates leads you to a pop-up where you can upload your designed certificate image. The option of crop image allows you to adjust the position and size of the certificate image. Here the image size and resolution are validated to ensure the generated certificate if of a printable resolution.
Step 2: Customize the Layout
Select the layout and the color of the text to be used for this uploaded image.
Step 3: Configure Content & Verify
This step allows admins to configure the content to be generated on the certificates if required. The admin can verify the certificate template by downloading the sample certificate file.
Voila! You now have a customer certificate created on Empuls.
Q1: Can the citation from awards/appreciations be published on certificates?
Ans: No. This is intentionally not supported for 2 reasons A) User citations can be as long as 1000 characters and thus cannot be replicated on a certificate. B) User citations may contain private/confidential information which should not be published on objects that can be made public.