360° Feedback for Employees
Gather instant feedback from your co-workers and plan your development journey
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Gather instant feedback from your co-workers and plan your development journey
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The primary market for Empuls is the new age, digital savvy, small to medium size organizations, with an employee base largely made up of millennials. It is well established that one of the top drivers of engagement within this user group is the opportunity to learn and grow. Employees in such organizations proactively look for ways to advance their careers and incorporate experiential learning into their work. The top driver of engagement among millennial employees – Opportunity to learn and grow. To help the employee become aware of their blind spots, i.e., areas of improvement that are visible to others but not known by the employee in question, a 360° feedback culture is necessary.
360° feedback is essentially a feedback program that gives you a full overview of what others in the organization are saying about you. It helps you identify your blind spots, i.e., areas of improvement that may have gone unnoticed for long periods of time.
An effective 360° feedback program typically touches everyone, starting from the employees themselves to their managers, peers, suppliers, and customers. They are useful to the employee as they provide a well-rounded and balanced view of their skills and behaviors. In this model, feedback isn’t just given from the individual’s supervisor but from a variety of people in the organization. This provides a fair and more accurate picture of the employee’s demonstrated behavior.
1. Navigate to Surveys & Quizzes-->My Surveys &Quizzes tab . You will find the 360° feedback survey templates, as shown below. Click on any one of them.
2. Once you have selected the required survey template, click on Send Invite to invite your teammates to respond to the survey.
3. Add survey invitees by simply entering their name or email address. You may even send survey invites in bulk by using parameters such as Department, Location, BU, Designation, and Grade.
Click on Send Invites once you have added the required people.
Survey invitees will be reminded periodically to respond to the survey. You may even add a personal note to the reminder notifications, to reinforce your feedback request.
Selecting feedback providers (or raters) is one of the most important steps in the 360-degree feedback process. In our last post, we looked at the different 360 approaches and at who selects the raters (participant or manager). However, how does the participant decide who to include as a rater? How many reviewers should be involved in the process? Below we will answer these questions and provide some guidelines on rater selection.
Recent experience:
Only those who have sufficient working experience with the participant should be used as feedback providers. It is important that the raters know the participant well so that they can provide valid, constructive feedback. To be included in the evaluation raters should have worked with the individual for at least four months.
Cross-section of raters:
It is important to select reviewers who have different types of working relationships with the individual. Having a cross-section of raters will provide a balanced and objective evaluation of the participant’s strengths and areas for improvement.
Possible raters to include:
Participant (self-assessment)
Direct Reports
Team Members (different job levels)
Peers (same job level)
The Number of raters:
To achieve statistical reliability with the results, four supervisors, eight peers and nine reports should be included in the 360 reviews (Greguras & Robie 1995). However, the number of raters is flexible and depends on the participant’s job function, working relationships and the company structure. You want to be sure to select enough raters so that the feedback is accurate and balanced. A minimum of five and a maximum of 20 reviewers should be utilized. Again, this depends on the participant and company.
Rater anonymity:
It is critical to the 360-degree process that raters be given total anonymity. It must be clearly communicated that feedback will remain confidential to ensure reviewer participation. Providing anonymity allows the rater to be open, honest and constructive. The evaluators will be more candid since their feedback cannot be directly attributed to them by the participant. Another way to maintain anonymity is to combine the feedback so that the results are averaged.