Interpreting the Pulse Survey Results
Interpreting the Engagement Drivers Analysis and converting the survey data into actionable insights
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Interpreting the Engagement Drivers Analysis and converting the survey data into actionable insights
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The Empuls pulse survey dashboard is designed to give a comprehensive overview of employee engagement metrics across the organization.
The dashboard highlights the Employee Net Promoter Score along with the cross-industry benchmark, followed by the distribution of survey respondents based on their willingness to advocate for their organization among friends and peers.
Improving the organization's eNPS score should be a priority for the survey administrator, and the Engagement Driver Analysis helps them understand the root cause behind the eNPS score obtained from the survey.
Further, the dashboard puts together the engagement trends and comparative analysis to empower the survey administrator with a bird's eye view of the employee sentiments over time and across smaller pockets in the organization. Finally, the responses to the open ended-feedback question are summarized in a tabular form which helps the admins get to hear from the employees in their own words.
It is a statistical tool to identify the key drivers of employee engagement and their performance across the organization. The Empuls Pulse model has four engagement drivers that impact eNPS. Each engagement driver is considered a dimension of impact and has underlying sub-dimensions that holistically present a complete picture of the various factors contributing to the organization’s eNPS.
The Engagement Drivers Analysis helps prioritize the employee issues which have the biggest impact on eNPS. It is designed to save time and effort that the admin would otherwise spend on analyzing the survey results. In other words, get a higher ROI from your engagement initiatives by identifying ways in which you can sustain high levels of engagement.
The score of each of the four engagement drivers, namely, Strategic Connect, Hygiene Factors, Relationship & Culture, and Recognition & Career Growth are calculated as the average score of each dimension under the respective driver. The arrow adjacent to the score indicates if the engagement driver score has increased, decreased, or remained unchanged from the previous survey run.
Each engagement driver is composed of multiple dimensions, which are measured on a 5 point Likert Scale (Strongly Disagree to Strongly Agree). Each dimension is then categorized as one of Weakness, At Risk, Acceptable, Improving, or Strength depending on the responses collected in that survey run and the direction in which it is trending in the last 3 survey runs.
Weakness: When an engagement sub-dimension has scored less than 3 out of 5, it indicates that more people disagree with the statement compared to the people who agree. Hence, these sub-dimensions are categorized as ‘Weakness’ and should be of the highest priority for the organization to act upon.
At-Risk: When an engagement sub-dimension has scored more than 3 but less than 4 out of 5 and has shown a downward trend in the last 3 survey runs, it is at the risk of becoming a weakness for the organization, if not acted upon proactively. Hence, these sub-dimensions are categorized as ‘At Risk’, and the organization should start planning to be prepared in order to tackle them proactively.
Acceptable: When an engagement driver has scored more than 3 but less than 4 out of 5 and has shown a neither downward nor upward trend in the last 3 survey runs.
Improving: When an engagement driver has scored more than 3 but less than 4 out of 5 and has shown an upward trend in the last 3 survey runs, it is moving in the direction of becoming a strength.
Strength: When an engagement sub-dimension has scored more than 4 out of 5, it indicates that more people strongly agree with the statement compared to the people who disagree. Hence, these sub-dimensions are categorized as ‘Strength’, and are the comparative advantage of the organization, as an employer. The org should strive towards documenting and standardizing the processes that contribute to its strengths and sustain them in the long term.
The Engagement Trends Analysis helps compare the measure of employee sentiments over a period of time so that the HR team can strategize to respond to these trends in line with their business objectives. The trends chart on Empuls shows the eNPS values (Y-axis) observed in the last six survey runs, along with the range of eNPS when the sampled data (survey respondents) is used to make projections about the population (entire organization). These are also compared with the industry eNPS benchmark value given as a dotted line, parallel to the X-axis (in green).
The eNPS trend chart is followed by the engagement drivers trend chart. The 4 engagement driver trendlines are plotted on the same x-axis as the eNPS chart and are meant to find correlations between each of the 4 drivers and eNPS over time.
The Engagement comparison radar charts are best for determining which pockets of the organization are doing better or worse than the rest when it comes to engagement levels. The engagement can be compared across the following parameters, which are directly coming from the employee master data: Department, Tenure, Location, and Business Unit.
Anonymous responses to the open-ended feedback question empower the HR team with rich, detailed insights into the underlying reasons behind a particular score given by the survey respondents. Open-ended responses help the respondents voice out their opinion to the organization, yielding more accurate information and actionable insights for the HR team.